M2C 5239 Mugen 16mm "ZRS" Zero Rebound System Shock Caps (4)

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  • Regular price $42.99

M2C Racing Mugen 16mm "ZRS" Zero Rebound System Shock Caps allow you to build an emulsion style zero rebound shock, coupled with the 16mm o-ring shock pistons M2C offers (M2C9650 series pistons).

These caps help with handling and a more stable landing off jumps and use the mugen shock bushing for simplified compatibility.

TIP: It is easier to remove the bushing from the old cap with the cap still on the shock.

Remove bleeder screw. Fill with oil to level with top of shock. Screw cap onto shock. Slowly push piston shaft up to top of stroke. Hold shaft up and put 2mm screw in (it is best to put screw in with a wrench and not a driver to avoid cross threading the screw). 

NOTE: It is a good idea to check the shocks and rebleed if necessary to keep from building pressure due temperature changes during the day. This can also happen if you have a lower shock o-ring that is leaking.