Coming February 13th, 2019: LCRC Raceway Introduces Our Brand New Online Store!
Coming February 13th, 2019:
LCRC Raceway Introduces Our Brand New Online Store!
LCRC Raceway and Hobbyshop is proud to announce that we are taking our hobbyshop where it has never gone before: Online! The brand new website and online store will launch on February 13th, celebrating Lost Creek Cycles 23rd year in business.
Why Online?
LCRC is proud to say we never stop trying to improve our business in the way that best serves our customers. We listened to you when you said you wished you could see what we had in store before you made the trip to see us. You wanted to see how many of a certain part or tire we had in stock so that you could plan accordingly. We have been working on making that possible for over 5 months!
Live Inventory!
We began researching how to make it possible to have live inventory online and instore simultaneously in the middle of summer, 2018! What it would take to have it work efficiently was a brand new Point of Sale System, and entering every product into that new system in a way that would list well in an online setting. (Adding extra details to each product, adding photos, tagging items to best sort them, counting inventory and setting reorder points, and so much more!) We began entering products into our new system in September 2018, and launched our new Point of Sale on Black Friday, which is how we were able to start offering LCRC Loyalty! It was, and continues to be a long process, but in the end, the inventory will be 100% live, and when we sell a product in store, it will be reflected online, and vise-versa.
We are a Brick and Mortar; Just Online
In an industry that can look at online as the enemy, we had to think about how to use selling online as a tool for our already in-store customers, as well as new potential customers. We are proud of our race specific inventory, and want this website to serve as a up to date catalog of our store, as well as a way to see the prices we sell at, and the ability to see shipping options in real time. Speaking of shipping, shipping prices can hurt the customer and the business: so we are proud to offer Will Call. Will Call will give you the option to purchase online, and pick up in store. We will pull the products you purchased, and have them ready for you when you arrive! (Hint: AWESOME tool for race weekends!)

We Aren’t Done Improving!!
We are proud of all the hard work we have put in to our business over the past 5 months, but LCRCRaceway.com will continue to grow and improve! We will have 70% of our inventory live on the site as of the launch, but will continue to add the remaining inventory over the next few months. The store will completely cataloged by our Season Opener on April 13th, (except for Kevin’s super secret part stash, which I am still trying to find!) :)
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